Our Secret Suvinior: Another thing I do when I go is I make my own suvinior of the beach. I take an empty, dry, clean bottle, like a small gaterade bottle and fill it with dry sand that I find close to the walkways to the beach. DRY SAND ONLY!! You can even use a seeve, and after you fill the bottle, seeve through sand and put more 'objects' in the bottle. Lots of fun finds as you spin through the sand, looking to see what you find. You will be suprised! Kids love it and I put one on my desk at work, co workers play with it too, seeing what they can find. I'll take a Picture of the one I made 5yrs ago and post it. I know I posted this on this forum a couple years ago, but it will fit here also. Yes, Remove the Label!
Dinner Planning: By now I know what my favorite places are to eat and try to squeeze in something new. I know I have to get Crabby Mikes in at least once and some dinners we will cook in. I try to plan out when and where we are going the night before so we can plan the next day accordingly. Breakfast and Lunch are in the condo, probably on the balcony over looking the ocean.
I go through many myrtle beach websites and get an idea of things to do that I can't do when I'm home, like visit a light house, shell/treasure hunting, bodyboarding ect. and put them as a Must do. Most of these things are free or low cost if you research coupons and websites. Mini golf, water parks, amusement parks.. stuff like that I can do here so we save that for last if we have time and/or money.
Grocery Shopping: I always either buy too much or not enough. Meal planning ahead of time is good and STICK TO IT. I think this year we will go the store at least twice. The first time to get meals for the first few days. Left over stuff or stuff we didnt cook that we had planned, we will cook before going shopping for more. Which brings me to a new post that I will do shortly. lol
Shopping: I have nothing on that. I'm not much of a shopper and just kinda drive around and read store fronts for sales. OR use the coupon book. lol I hear The Gay Dolphin is a fun store to visit, so I may do that. Anyone have a fav store they like because of bargains or specialtys? I was told I have to visit the xmas store years ago and I never did.
Attractions: I always have to consider the kids and the total cost amt so we limit what we do and where we go. This is also still in research. The pirate ship sail boat ride sounds interesting though. We always do a dolphin watch and have learned NOT to dothe speed boat unless you wear goggles (not supplied, just my suggestion) and don't mind getting wet/soaked. Younger kids, especially, usually don't like salt in their eyes... The Aquarium is a must for first timers, but I don't think I want to pay to do it again.
REST AND RELAX the day before you are scheduled to leave. The day you are leaving you wont feel as if you forgot to do something because as you were relaxing and resting, it probably would come to you and you can get it done, assuming its nothing too major that requires reservations. AND you still feel rejuvinated before you head home.

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